Kick-off Meeting PLAID

Summary: The PLAID consortium joined their sister consortium, AgriDemoF2F, in Ghent for the kick off meetings, these were hosted by AgriDemo's Coordinator Fleur Marchand from ILVO-Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research. During the three days of meetings the two consortium got to know each other and understand their roles within their own project and work packages. The meetings were designed to enable information to be disseminated and discussions to be started. The steering groups decided on how best to proceed on joint work packages and deliverables, allowing coherent groups to be formed. The Consortiums were joined by two European Union Project Officers Inge Van Oust and Silvia Gemini. The final meetings were separate allowing forward planning.
It was agreed the next joint meeting would be hosted by The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen in June 2017.