Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

We have retained it as a reference for future research.

Further information

Third PLAID consortium Meeting

Workshop discussion


United Kingdom
45° 25' 7.1976" N, 12° 21' 26.4168" E

Venice 5-6th February 2018

The Meeting was hosted by PLAID Partner VINIDEA (Gianni Trioli and Cristina Micheloni), on the Italian island San Servelo, located in the Venetian lagoon. The meeting was attended by 32 PLAID partners and addressed the following areas

  • European wide Inventory collection summary, interactive map and FarmDemo hub introduction (WP3)
  • Case study summary, data collection methods, case reporting (WP5)
  • Virtual filming progress, Virtual Farm introduction (WP4)
  • Introdcution to Governance, Good Practice Recommendations and Decision-support Tools (WP6)
  • PLAID Project Management, DMP and Risk Register, Financial reporting and Technical Report
  • Dissemination Plan update (WP7)
Venice Lagoon
San Servelo from the air
Meeting room
Gondola construction
Workshop event
Monday, February 5, 2018 - 10:30 to Tuesday, February 6, 2018 - 13:15