Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

We have retained it as a reference for future research.

Further information

Southern European Supra-regional Meeting

PLAID Project coordinator Lee-Ann sutherland


United Kingdom
45° 25' 7.1976" N, 12° 21' 26.4168" E

Venice 7th February 2018

TheMeeting was hosted by PLAID Partner VINIDEA (Gianni Trioli and Cristina Micheloni), on the Italian island of San Servelo, located in the Venetian lagoon.

The meeting was attended by representatives from PLAID, PLAID IAB, AgriDemo and subcontracted partners, from the following countries

  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Cyprus
  • France
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Malta
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
  • Spain

The meeting addressed the following areas

  • Summary of inventory, database access, FarmDemo hub and interactive map.
  • Summary of the Inventory by  country  poster session
  • Discussion of Poster session
  • Southern European Country summary reports
  • Outline of the ~Virtual Filming and the virtual farm being developed
  • Conclusion of meeting

Dimitar displaying Bulgarian Country posterAlberto from INTIA discussing the Country Poster from spain

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 - 09:00 to 17:00
Portugal poster Portugal poster
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Bulgaria Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Bulgaria
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Cyprus Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Cyprus
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in France Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in France
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Greece Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Greece
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Italy Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Italy
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Portugal Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Portugal
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Slovenia Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Slovenia
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Austria Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Austria
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Malta Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Malta
Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Spain Country Poster of Demonstration farm Inventory in Spain