Advisory Service Croatia ASC

Advisory Services Croatia (ASC) is a specialized public institution for the provision of advisory service in agriculture, rural development, fisheries and forest management. The Founder of ASC is the Republic of Croatia, and the rights and obligations of the Founder are carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture. ASC's mission is the development of competitive and advanced farms, entities in fisheries and forestry through using information, advisory services and education. ASC follows the principle of good agricultural practice and the preservation of rural areas, fostering tradition and customs. Advisory activity consists of the following tasks and assignments; technological and technical improvement of farms; provision of professional assistance to farmers with the aim of increasing the profits from agricultural activities and supplementary activities on farms; participation in the implementation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 measures; and implementation of the system of agricultural accountancy data through annual survey (FADN).
ASC operates via the Central Office in Zagreb and 21 county offices, employing 268 agricultural and forestry advisers. One of the main activities is the organization of demonstration activities for farmers. ASC experts demonstrate new techniques in test fields and on commercial farms (traditionally organized „Field days“). The farms are predominantly crop production farms but ASC also organizes demonstration activities in other areas of expertise including husbandry, Mediterranean cultures, apiculture, and fruit production. In 2016, ASC organized 709 practical on-farm displays/workshops for 14 059 farmer participants.
ASC maintains the level of competence of its advisers through regular obligatory courses for employees. To further its international connectedness to other advisory services, ASC organized the 53rd IALB Conference and 1st EUFRAS Conference in 2014 and is member of EUFRAS, IALB, and SEASN.