European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services EUFRAS

EUFRAS is a European network and representative association of public and private rural and agricultural extension services which is aligned to the global representative body for advisory services GFRAS with associations set up in many other continents.
Scope of EUFRAS:
- Common mandate to assist farmers and rural dwellers
- Importance of networking
- Opportunities for collaboration
- Duplication can be reduced or eliminated
- Better interaction with research organisations
- Influence some common policy issues
- Contribute to the development of better advisory services in Europe
As a network for rural advisory services, EUFRAS is designed to play an advocacy role for the members addressing particularly EU-Institutions in the field of agricultural politics and rural development. With EUFRAS, there is now a contact on a european level for questions regarding agricultural politics and rural advisory services.
The organisation is open for public and private advisory services and intitutions whose work aims at supporting farming families, agricultural organizations, local groups and individuals involved in agriculture or rural development and addresses current and emerging problems. Further members are very welcome.
EUFRAS wants to support advisory services in their efforts to promote innovation and knowledge transfer in rural areas and in agriculture. Conferences, seminars and events shall offer a platform for exchange and cooperation between advisory services from all over Europe. Another important goal of EUFRAS is to improve the quality of advisors qualification.