FiBL Projekte GmbH

FiBL Projekte GmbH
FiBL Projekte GmbH, based in Frankfurt, Germany, was founded in 2011 as a joint institution of FiBL Germany and the Foundation Ecology & Agriculture (Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau). Bioland, Naturland, and Demeter became additional partners. FiBL Projekte GmbH strengthens the cooperation of its shareholders and provides a wide range of services for the organic farming and food sector, especially at the interface between research and agricultural practice. It is able to rely on the expertise of about 40 employees of the organizations.
The key activities and projects of FiBL Projekte GmbH include:
Connecting members of the organic farming and food sector. Examples are the "Trainee Program for Organic Farming (Traineeprogramm Ökolandbau)", nationwide consultant trainings, specialist support and coordination of an overall network "Demonstration Farms for Animal Welfare (Demonstrationsbetriebe Tierschutz)", as well as participation in the nationwide network "Demonstration Farms for Organic Farming (Demonstrationsbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau)"
Disseminating knowledge, e.g. by publishing guidance documents and maintaining websites (such as
Training for farmers and firms of the organic and sustainable food sector
Evaluating resources for acceptability in organic farming and providing a catalogue of approved farm inputs at
Project leadership "Tierschutz Kompetenzzentrum"
Project leadership "Öko-Feldtage"