Stichting Wageningen

The Wageningen Research foundation is the Netherland’s organisation for agricultural research, and together with Wageningen University it forms Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen Research consists of a number of private not for profit research institutes that work in different domains and agricultural sub-sectors (e.g. arable farming, animal husbandry, green living environment, agro- and rural economics, agro- and food technology).
Wageningen Plant Research is the institute involved in this project. WPR operates in the complete agricultural plant production chain and covers all aspects from improving crop performance, economic analysis and entrepreneurship. Its major goals are the transfer of scientific knowledge into practice with the development of practice-oriented solutions to farmers and the whole agronomic sector. To realize this, WPR has expertise on the cutting edge of development of new knowledge and support of innovation practices. It can be seen as a ‘hybrid organisation’ that offers applied research and innovation support services. The organisation is leading in co-innovation approaches with farmer groups, SMEs and stakeholders. Innovation support methods have been developed or adapted for use in the agricultural sector.
WPR has excellent experimental facilities with dedicated laboratory facilities and experimental farms. The experimental farms moreover function as regional centres for dissemination of research results. WPR researchers are coordinating or involved in various farmers networks (EIP groups) related to different aspects of farming.