Second Consortium Meeting PLAID and AgriDemo

Summary: The PLAID consortium has again joined with their sister consortium AgriDemoF2F for the second consortium meeting, held in Aberdeen. The meeting was hosted by The James Hutton Institute, with all the meetings being held in the meeting rooms at the Craigiebuckler site Aberdeen. The joint conference Hotel was the Aberdeen Treetops Hotel.
The main objectives for the meeting were:
To meet with the two International Advisory Boards
Agree the inventory collection guidelines
Discuss and agree country approach to collecting the inventory
Provide training on the inventory collection procedures
Review FarmDemo hub
Agree dissemination plan
Initiate WP4 and WP5
Plan next 6 months work, tasks and deliverables
Conduct two farm visits firstly to SRUC Craibstone Estate (primarily research farm) to visit the trial plots and secondly to Saphock Farm (commercial farm) to visit the trial plots where on 6th July the demonstration event Cereals in Practice will be held (visit our Events page for more details)
The joint consortium would like to express their gratitude to Robin Walker (SRUC) for kindly conducting both visits and to Sonya (Saphock Farm) for allowing us to visit the trial plots prior to the demonstration Event.