Final FarmDemo conference 21st May 2019 Brussels
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Join the Farm Demonstration projects the Final FarmDemo Conference
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FarmDemo is a close collaboration of 3 European projects funded under Horizon 2020. They all aim to enhance peer-to-peer learning and focus on farm demonstration as a tool to boost innovation uptake. The conference will take place in Brussels on 21st May.
AgriDemo-F2F and PLAID focus on understanding the role of European commercial demonstration farms and prepare for more connectivity between actors involved in on-farm demonstrations. These projects develop a geo-referenced online inventory of demonstration farms and build an online FarmDemo-Hub community.
NEFERTITI focuses on the establishment of 10 interactive thematic networks covering the 3 main agricultural sectors: animal production, arable farming and horticultural production. They bring together 45 regional hubs of demo-farmers and innovation actors – advisers, cooperatives, NGOs, industry, education, researchers and policy makers. The output of AgriDemo-F2F and PLAID will be used as input to set up 3 annual campaigns of on-farm demonstrations.
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