Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

We have retained it as a reference for future research.

Further information

Petya Kumanova

Petya Kumanova image

Petya Kumanova – Deputy Director of NAAS General Directorate “Agricultural advices and Analytical laboratory” since 2013 and head of the regional office of NAAS since 2000. She holds a Masters Degree in Agronomic Engineering. She lead and worked on projects related to providing advice and information to farmers and farmer training, for example Measure 111 "Vocational training, information is the distribution of scientific knowledge" of the (Rural Development Program) RDP 2007 to 2013. Currently, she is involved in the development of national strategic programs related to rural development and support of farmers.

National Agricultural Advisory Service NAAS

Project leader on the following Work Packages